Scoliosis Treatment in Austin, Texas

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    Specialized Spinal Health Treatment with SpineCor

    Non-Surgical Scoliosis Therapy for All Ages

    SpineCor is radically different from conventional rigid or semi-rigid braces, which restrict motion, causing muscle atrophy and spinal weakness. SpineCor is a unique scoliosis brace in the fact that the results are achieved from the biofeedback produced by the interaction of the brace with the patient’s neuromuscular system. Furthermore, it allows full range of motion while balancing and strengthening spinal musculature, creating postural re-education using biofeedback while integrating the corrective movement neurologically. SpineCor was created to support the muscular, neurological and skeletal systems simultaneously, built upon the philosophy that movement really is life. Think of Spinecor as band assisted rehab for the treatment of scoliosis.

    Spinecor was developed in the early 1990s after rigorous research and clinical trials by a team of 65 researchers based at Sainte-Justine Hospital in Montreal, Canada. Although originally used as a bracing treatment for children with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS), it became clear that the SpineCor brace greatly reduced related pain in adults, as well. The National Scoliosis Foundation provides excellent information for families into the research and development of SpineCor. Here are two interviews from an adolescent and adult patient who have used SpineCor for their scoliosis treatments.

    A Revolutionary Scoliosis Treatment

    Options for Scoliosis Treatment by Dr. Zeke in Austin, Texas

    Addressing Pain in Scoliosis Treatment

    Treatment of Scoliosis Pain for Adults in Austin, Texas

    Spinal Health in Austin, TX

    SpineCor Exercise Method is a series of exercises designed to unload the spine and address the 3-D structural changes associated with scoliosis.

    A Dynamic Flexible Scoliosis Brace That Is Comfortable And Completely Concealed Under Clothes

    Worn comfortably under clothing, SpineCor is fully flexible, allowing you to carry on with your daily life, including sporting activities.  Its discreet nature means SpineCor is undetectable under normal clothing, making it more appealing to patients, helping to achieve better results due to increased compliance.

    Our Services

    Treatment for Adolescent Scoliosis

    Adolescent Scoliosis Treatments options include SpineCor, CMP Braces, and the SpineCor Exercise Method.

    Spinecor Exercise Method

    The Spinecor Exercise Method enhances spine alignment and flexibility through targeted exercises, strengthening core muscles to support spinal health and improve posture.

    Treatment for Adult Scoliosis

    Adult Scoliosis Treatments stabilize the spine which reduces pain and prevents curve progression due to spinal collapse.

    Scoliosis Rehabilitation utlizing Chiropractic Methods

    Chiropractic treatment for scoliosis utilizes spinal adjustments to stimulate the nervous system which enhances our overall scoliosis treatment protocols.

    Adult Spinal Decompression

    Alleviating pain caused by scoliosis with Adult Spinal Decompression allows patients to then participate in The SpineCor Exercise Method.

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